The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History

4 min readApr 21, 2024

(P.S.A: Cannabis talk. As mindful, responsible individuals who appreciate the benefits of cannabis, we believe it’s essential to create environments where children are shielded from its presence. We advocate for keeping cannabis away from children to ensure their safety and well-being.)

We are thrilled to unveil our latest creation, The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History.

This visual storybook is a heartfelt tribute to the spirit of 420, the legendary tale of the Waldo’s, and the profound connection we share with Mother Earth.

At BizZen Business Wellness, we are passionate about promoting holistic wellness and sharing the healing power of nature. Inspired by the timeless story of the Waldo’s and their adventurous quest, we set out to create a visual journey that celebrates the beauty of cannabis and the blessings of Mother Earth.

In The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History, readers will embark on a captivating adventure through lush landscapes and vibrant scenes, guided by the spirit of the Waldo’s and the wisdom of 420. From tranquil meadows to majestic mountains, each page is a testament to the profound connection between humans and the natural world.

But The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History is more than just a storybook — it’s a tool for stress relief, mindfulness, and connection. As you immerse yourself in the enchanting illustrations and uplifting messages, you’ll feel a sense of peace and serenity wash over you, like a gentle breeze on a warm spring day.

And because sharing is caring, we’ve included free gifts and resources to enhance your experience with The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History. You can take time to color the printable coloring pages. Please, know that these tools are designed to help you connect with yourself, others, and the world around you in a deeper and more meaningful way.

As we journey through the pages of The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History let us remember our sacred duty to honor and protect Mother Earth, Papa’s first love. Let us tread lightly upon her surface, respecting her beauty and abundance, and cherishing the gifts she so generously bestows upon us.

So, whether you’re seeking stress relief, inspiration, or simply a moment of joy and wonder, The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History is here to guide you on your journey. Join us as we celebrate the spirit of 420, the timeless wisdom of Mother Earth, and the transformative power of storytelling.

Enjoy and share The Waldo’s & The 420 Treasure: High Vibes History today and embark on a journey of discovery, connection, and transformation. Together, let’s honor Papa’s work by highlighting his first love — Mother Earth — and nurturing the seeds of wellness and compassion within us all.

With love and gratitude,

BizZen Business Wellness Coach Sarita

Free Coloring Pages from Our W.O.W. 4 Pros, Weed Offers Wellness support program for cannabis loving , Righteous Entrepreneurial Spirited Professionals of the World….

Remember to BE Responisble, Take Care and Be Well…


I hope you enjoyed a new style of story telling that I am growing through.


There are some qr codes that could be scanned in this story and they will lead you to our pages; BizZenBusinessWellness where we offer holistic health and wealth coaching with mindfulness, Spirituality and business create a fusion that delivers real actionable steps.

We also included a link to make sure that you, your family and your friends are protected and empowered with our legal app that gives you access to your legal team 24/7 for $1 a day.

When sharing these links, we have the ability to make money. And the best part is that you don’t pay anything extra but you are helping keep the dreams going.. And for that, we thank you so please accept a couple more gifts for sharing your time with us.

Thank You Gift for Our Tribes
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We Love & Appreciate You & Your Support!




Biz2Zen Coach of BizZen+Author:The11DoW+Mount Pinatubo Survivor+Vegan+Plantita+Yogini @