From the Ashes as an Adopted Refugee to Biz2Zen Business Wellness Coach

4 min readApr 14, 2024

Mabuhay and Welcome!

I’m Sarita Velasco, a Business Wellness Coach, and the Visionary President of BizZen and this is a snapshot into my story…

With the grand rising of the sun, a new day dawns — a day filled with promise, potential, and the endless possibilities of transformation. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I emerge from the darkness of the night, ready to spread my wings and soar to new heights.

As a warrior princess {inner child healing taking place}, a beacon of light in a world shrouded by shadows. My journey is one of resilience, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of purpose — a journey marked by the ebb and flow of life’s tides, the highs and lows that shape the very fabric of our existence.

Born amidst the fiery depths of Mount Pinatubo’s eruption, my early years were a baptism by fire — a trial by flame that tempered my spirit and steeled my resolve. From the ashes of destruction, I emerged stronger, more resilient, and determined to carve out a future filled with purpose and meaning.

But life is rarely a straight path, and mine was no exception. At young age, I was adopted so my family could embark on a journey across the Pacific after our hero, Dr. Raymundo Punongbayan, Director of PHIVOLCS, called the evacuations. We set off by boat, leaving behind the scorched earth of my homeland for the sun-drenched shores of California. It was here, amidst the palm trees and ocean breeze, that I would spend my early years — a world away from the chaos and upheaval of my past, yet still haunted by the hurts of my childhood.

As the years passed, my family’s journey took another unexpected turn, and we found ourselves at the Naval base within jumping distance of the streets of the Chicagoland area — a bustling metropolis teeming with life, energy, and opportunity. It was here, amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, that I would come of age — a phoenix rising from the ashes of my past, ready to spread my wings and take flight.

But the road to redemption was far from easy. High school brought its own set of challenges, as I navigated the complexities of being a ‘Navy baby’, not a ‘Navy brat’ and being adopted, in my situation, the only black or brown person in the home, made me a laughing stalk. That made me a great fighter, always having to defend myself, honorably like my Filipino mother taught me. Yet even in the darkest of times, there was a glimmer of hope — a beacon of light that guided me through the storm. So much so, that I graduated from homeschooling at 16 with a baby on the way…

Now, as a real life transformer, you can ride with me to learn more about my life now and the things, I’m passionate about, like being a Mompreneur, B.O.P.Preneur and Zenpreneur. I love using magic and science to eat no guilt, Spiritually rich foods and drinks, aka “my CORE fuel”. When I say CORE, I mean the core of our being, the core of our existence.

I am a business wellness coach with an app coming out soon for entrepreneurial minded professionals can come tap in and plug into our sweet offerings or the suite of offerings that our partners share.

Join me as I share my journey, my insights, and my lessons learned along the way. Together, let’s embrace the grand rising of the sun, the rebirth of the phoenix, and the endless possibilities of transformation. It’s time to rewrite the narrative of our lives and create legacies of lasting impact and empowerment. Rise with me, and together, let’s illuminate the world with the brilliance of our spirits.

Stick with me and you re bound to learn a thing or two or ten, totally up to you..

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Biz2Zen Coach of BizZen+Author:The11DoW+Mount Pinatubo Survivor+Vegan+Plantita+Yogini @